Here’s an interactive map you can use to visualize the work of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Adrienne von Speyr, to discover the contents of individual writings, and to see what print and electronic editions of them are available in various languages.

Hans Urs von Balthasar

Adrienne von Speyr
Hans Urs von Balthasar is best known as the author of numerous books, articles, and essays, but he was also a publisher and translator devoted to opening up the treasures of the Christian tradition and to making known important contemporary witnesses to the faith. The written word, for him, was not an end in itself, but a way of bearing witness to the triune love that saves and crowns the beauty, goodness, and truth of creation.
Main work
In this, his most important work, Hans Urs von Balthasar presents divine Revelation in terms of the beautiful, the good, and the true: God appears in his glorious beauty, gives himself as the good, and speaks himself as the truth in the Word and the Holy Spirit.
Explorations in Theology
Hans Urs von Balthasar’s own five-volume anthology of some of his most important essays on central theological questions: (1) the revelation of God in the incarnate Word; (2) the Church as the bridal response to divine Revelation; (3) the person of the Holy Spirit; (4) the Spirit’s role in the institutional dimension of faith; (5) the nature of man as a creature made to praise, reverence, and serve his Creator.
Studies focussing on great representatives of the theological tradition, from Augustine to Therese of Lisieux, on writers and poets who gave imaginative expression to Catholicism, and on notable non-Catholics whose work Balthasar engaged with.
Word and Contemplation
Writings about prayer and helps for praying by a spiritual master whose own life was devoted to an ever-renewed personal encounter with Christ, the Word made flesh, who reveals the triune God and makes clear the purpose of creation.
Jesus and Mary-Church
Jesus, the “heart of the world,” is the Son whose whole being reveals the triune love and makes it credible for us. The perfect response to this revelation of divine love is Our Lady’s immaculate Yes, which is the heart and center of Christ’s Church.
Christian Life
Writings in the spirit of Ignatian vocational discernment aimed at helping readers to hear and embrace the call to a state of life (consecrated virginity or marriage) and to learn how to live in the world as Christ’s disciples.
Vocation and State of Life
The Christian in the World
Alpha and Omega
Writings devoted to the Christian interpretation of history and of “the last things” in light of the Paschal Mystery in which the Church’s universal hope and mission find their foundation.
On Mission
Books about the ecclesial mission of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Adrienne von Speyr, a mission that finds expression in their written work, their collaboration, and above all, in their joint foundation of the Community of Saint John.
The works dating from Hans Urs von Balthasar’s student days and his early career that he left unpublished or elected not to republish during his lifetime are presented here according to the “Studienausgabe,” the new German edition that makes these documents available to readers interested in studying the complete corpus of Balthasar’s writings.
Apocalypse of the German Soul
A complete list of the original editions and translations of all works by Hans Urs von Balthasar, as well as a catalog of secondary literature–both maintained and regularly updated by the Hans Urs von Balthasar Archive in Basel–are available for download here.